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Monday, March 31, 2008

The Perfect Mom

by: Heather Topich

Can anyone honestly say that they are a perfect parent? Does society today try to pressure us into being perfect and making us think that if we are anything less we are doing an injustice to our kids? I'd like to think that I'm the "Perfect Mom," but when I think about it, I know I'm not.

I'd love to say I never yell, but if my kids are fighting with each other on a day that the youngest one allowed me a grand total of three hours sleep, I'm probably going to be louder and harsher with them than I'd like.

I'd love to say I always have a good answer for every "why," but when my son is on the 37th why in an hour, "because" might be the only answer I can stifle.

While I've always loved tucking them into bed and helping them say their prayers, if bedtime is running really late, my temper will probably get short just thinking of all the things I still need to do before going to bed myself.

I'd love to say that I always set a healthy example for them, but they are just as likely to see me downing a venti coffee from Starbucks in the morning as eating a salad for lunch.

I'd love to say that I always have loads of crafty activities to keep them entertained, especially since my business requires me to be creative, but a show on Noggin is sometimes my best friend.

I'd love to say that I always teach them to be independent, but I've been known to help them get dressed and out the door because of my impatience.

So, what is a "good enough" mom? Telling my kids often that I love them and having them say it back to me, telling them "I'm sorry" when I've failed because I respect them, teaching them to be kind to others, and sheltering them as long as I can from the things about growing up that will make them cry. I hope someday that they will recognize those things in our interactions and remember me as a great mother.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Child Care For the Busy Parent

by: Ruth Leitch

When you are someone that wants to make sure that your child has everything that they need, you may want to have some kind of child home care. Some times parents work away from home and they do not want to take their child to a day care facility. When this is the case, they will have a home childcare worker come in and take care of the children each day.

A home child care worker is someone that is willing to take care of a child in their home and make sure they have all their needs and wants met. You will find that there are a lot of people that want to do this type of work for a living. Many times a home child care worker will be someone that the parents like and trust as well as the children feel good about too.

Getting child care at home is something that the parents often times have to pay substantial money for. They will have to find the childcare worker (sometimes called or referred to as a nanny) that they want and pay for the total expense of their work. This could include transporation. Finding someone to take care of your children inside your home is not always easy, but there are agencies that will help you locate, screen, and qualify your child caretaker. You will have to do a lot of research so that you are sure the person that you hire is gong to do a great job and be someone that you can trust with your precious package.

Pros and Cons of Home Child Care

If you are thinking about home child care, be aware that there are many pros and cons.

Not all are obvious. We discuss a few of them here.

First the pros: Probably among the top "pros" is the convenience for the parents. In addition, the child may have more normal sleep patterns. Depending upon the care giver, the child (or children) will probably receive better and more personal individual care. The child will be comfortable in a familiar setting. The Parent(s), not the institution, can control the diet and food quality. If there is a child with a contagious illness, the home cared child will not be exposed to it. The advantages seem obvious.

Then there are cons. First and as a direct correlation to the "pro" is the convenience factor.. but in this case, the convenience comes at the risk of having essentially one child care provider. If that person becomes ill, or for some reason becomes unreliable, then the convenience is all gone. The child being at home is not exposed to other children and social skill development in these very early years, particularly before age five. We list "diet" as a pro.. but on the con side, possibly the parent is not as careful in planning a balanced meal program. Then there's the exposure to "germs" and "disease". Maybe that's not all bad as these factors lead to building a child's immunity, and without this exposure, immunity could be slower to develop. Lastly, there's the cost. In all probability, personal child care is at least double, if not more, the costs of a group child care facility.

Getting home childcare is a great advantage because you will not have to take the child out of the home daily. You will find it much easier when the childcare provider comes to your home. You will not have to worry about where the child is and what they are doing.

You will also not have to worry about other children being around your child and causing harm to them. You should feel secure knowing that your child is safe at home with a qualified home childcare provider.

The childcare provider that you have coming into your home is going to offer a list of different services. You will see that they will feed your child as well as play with them when they would like. You can also find some home child care workers that will teach your children basics that they need to have in order to grow productively. There are many great reasons why you should try to have a home care provider for your wonderful children. You should look into the different ways this type of childcare can help you the most.

One of your first steps is to compile a list of what you want and expect from your new "nanny". Then list the various ways you might have for finding this person.Classified ads, references from other parents, agencies and even the internet as nannies advertise there. If you live in a metropolitan area, you may have greater resources. KNOW your budget. Will this person be offered "live in" arrangements? If so, get a contract and state the hours of work and when he or she is free. Lastly, don't forget the tax implications. If you hire them as an employee, you will be obligated to pay employer type taxes. If you are not familiar with this, check with an accountant. Also see if these costs are deductible.

Then finally, don't just interview the prospective child care provider, but get solid references. If you do your homework properly, you'll have great satisfaction in knowing your child or children are getting the best of care.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Prepare Your Baby to Walk with Ease

by: Olga Sysoef

One concern many parents have is teaching their baby to walk. It may seem like it just comes naturally – and to an extent it does! However, there are things you can do to prepare your baby to walk.

Babies don’t just wake up one day and start walking. There’s a natural progression from rolling over, to sitting up, to scooting, to crawling, to pulling up to walking. Teaching your baby to walk easily depends on her mastering those first steps.

When your baby starts to become mobile, it’s important to make sure that your home is a safe environment. Inspect your home to prevent your child from getting hurt on sharp corners, ledges, and stairs while your teaching your baby to walk.

You may also be tempted to head to the store and purchase a walker. However, when you’re teaching your baby to walk it’s important not to use a walker. They can be dangerous and can cause accidents and injuries.

When you’re teaching your baby to walk, you may want to rush out and buy the perfect pair of shoes. However, recent research suggests that babies actually learn to walk better when they’re not wearing shoes.

So save your money and teach your baby to walk without the little tennies. If you want your child to wear shoes, that’s okay, too. Just be aware that they won’t make it easier for your baby to walk.

If you’re going to buy shoes, follow a few simple rules of thumb. When you teach your baby to walk, you must make sure that his shoes are going to help instead of hurt. Look for shoes with flexible soles and flat bottoms. Pass up the high-tops and go for a shoe that allows your baby’s ankle to move.

Also check your baby’s shoe size frequently to make sure he hasn’t outgrown them.

One of the most important things you can do to teach your baby to walk is encourage her to get a lot of exercise. Help her to develop coordination and balance by playing physical games and toys that promote dexterity.

Toys that allow your baby to push or pull are excellent to teach your baby to walk. You can also play by kicking and throwing balls. These little activities will promote eye-hand coordination and balance.

Don’t forget to have fun! You don’t need to push your baby too hard, just enjoy the process while you teach your baby to walk.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008


If you work in an office surely you have a computer. Saving your personal files in your computer is not a wise thing to do, especially if the computer you use is shared with all staffs. Someone might change your files or even worse to delete them. Using password for your profile might not enough, you need some kind of extra precautions. You need to install Keylogger.

What does this software do? Once you've installed the program it will reside in the memory. You can then run it using the "start in hidden mode" so nobody else will see this program beside you. To make it more invisible you can even remove it from the task lists and you are ready to go. This software will record any keys that have been pressed on your keyboard. That way you will know what is anyone has been doing in your computer. The typed keys will be saved in a text file so you can open it later and review what has been changed. This software is also good to install in your computer at home. Your children or wife might have used your computer to access the internet while you were gone. They could access some sites that could harm your computer or maybe sites which are not appropriate for their age. Knowing that you've installed good monitoring software will have your mind at ease.

Installing the software is not spying, after all you are installing it in your own computer. You surely want the computer to be in good condition once you get back. You have the right to know what other people have been doing in your computer to protect your personal files. So don't let anyone change or delete your files install Keylogger right now.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Good Reasons To Join A Baby Group

by: Phil Wheatley

At the very beginning, you may have some help at home with the baby from a partner, possibly on paternity leave, but after that, many Mothers find themselves at home for long periods of time. It can be very tiring and it can feel like you never have a minute to yourself. One thing that is very important is that if the baby sleeps during the day, you should try and sleep at that time also. This will give you more energy if the baby is up at night.

Of course, it's different for every person but quite often there are milestones where it seems to get easier, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and so on. Although some of the tasks may get a bit easier and you may get more sleep as time goes on, the one thing that can quite often affects Mothers is the amount of time they spend on their own with the baby.

A lot of people will tell you to join a Mothers baby group as soon as possible, and in our opinion, this is for a very good reason. You might feel shy about joining a group of people you've never met before, but straight away, you all have something important in common…you've all just had a baby! There is something very therapeutic about hearing other people's stories about what their babies do and how they behave. Quite often you may worry about something your baby is doing or a funny rash they might have, so when you hear other Mothers saying "my baby does/has that also", it can be very reassuring.

Another good reason for joining a baby group is you will make new friends, in fact in many cases these friend can become your close friends for life. Also, going to a group is a great reason to get out of the house which will help combat cabin fever! And don't worry about cost, baby groups are normally cheap and in some cases, free!! In no time at all, you will be having your new friends to your house for coffee and cakes and you will be going to theirs. All these things will help pass the time and gives the baby / toddler some interaction.

You will also find that as Birthdays start coming up, you will be invited to baby parties or baby showers and this can be a good way for you (and possibly partner) to meet other like minded people.

If you are going to anti-natal classes, they can quite often inform you of local groups, or they are advertised in newspapers, libraries, and don't forget the internet! Either way, we'd recommend you give it a try.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Raise Your Kids Right

by: James Kronefield

To Get What You Expect

Your parenting style is the most likely way you will impact how your child grows up. In being responsive to your children, you are simultaneously setting clear rules and limits for your children. This is crucial for you as a parent. You have likely based on this, identified the four main styles of parenting. There is no “right” or “wrong” parenting style and more to the point, there is more than one right way, though we all have prejudices on what we think works best based on our own life experience and values. Research, however, has charted the effects of the various parenting styles on children:

Just do it or else!

Many parents adopt a highly authoritarian, dictatorial style of parenting. They expect children to simply obey orders with no questions. Rules typically are well defined in such households and breaking those rules ultimately invites punishment. This type of system is highly typical in societies where little to no change is expected and deviance from this normal behaviour can be quite costly such as in rural or agrarian society.

Children that have grown up in this type of emotional environment tend to show average performance in school but lack spontaneity, effective social skills, and self-confidence.

A no means a no

Other parents are firm, assertive, and authoritative without being overly authoritarian. They set very clear rules, and are firm about the discipline without using any harsh punishment. Children in such homes are expected to be are typically are, socially responsible.

Children, who are brought up in this type of emotional environment tend to become more responsible. They highly capable and easily adjust to situations that demand cooperation.

Do anything you want

Parents engaging in this style of parenting believe in the permissive or indulgent approach. They demand very little responsible behaviour and frequently avoid confrontation with their children. This style was more popular with parents in the 50s and 60s.

Children who are brought up in this type of emotional environment tend to be more creative but some research indicates they may develop behavioural problems as they grow up because they tend not to accept responsibility.

I don't care what you do

Very rarely parents remain uninvolved in their children’s lives, which can in many cases, border on neglect.

Children who are brought up in this type of emotional environment tend to perform poorly at school and frequently engage in criminal behaviour.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Improving Communication with Your Kids

by: Len Stauffenger

Are you content in the thought that your communication with your kids is spot on, or do you worry that you might be missing the mark? If your interface is overwrought with emotion, you might need these tips to gain a more peaceful relationship with your children. I experienced wonderful things with my daughters when I used these eight tips.

Be Your Word.

Everything you say to your children is a promise or an agreement. Do what you say you're going to do and you build trust. Trust carries you through when they're sixteen years old, driving around with their friends and you don't know what they're doing.

There was a recent article about the Florida football team which was about to go into the National Championship game against the Ohio State Buckeyes. Florida had a new coach named Urban Meyer. Everyone agreed he had turned the program around. Their season had dramatically improved, even though they essentially had the same talent and schedule. So what was the difference?

To a man, they all emphasize the fact that the new coach had built a greater sense of trust among the players and coaches. They discussed some of his techniques. There were things like practices at midnight and certain competitions he had dreamed up. The important point was he had created a high level of trust.

Your children will be tempted, and since you won't be there looking over their shoulder, you have to instill character in them. The first step in instilling character is that they see character in you. You are their role model.

Be 100% Responsible

Having integrity means being 100% responsible for everything in your life. It means giving up your reasons and your excuses. Every truly successful person I know lives their life as though they are 100% responsible for everything in their life.

At first blush, many people think this is ridiculous or unrealistic. Other people get the concept but they don't really live it. This may at first sound like a burden; in reality it's a freedom.

When you really get that you are 100% responsible for everything in your life, it's a tremendously freeing experience. It allows you to create your life. This idea isn't just some quotation you can read and pooh pooh. It's real. Think about it: if you're not responsible, if you don't have control over your own life, then you're just a victim and whatever makes you unhappy will always make you unhappy because you can't change it, get rid of it. I know you can see this truth.

Be Genuine

This means being straightforward in your communications and take what you get. This means don't use force or manipulation as a way of trying to get what you want. We know that we can't control other people. When you really understand that and accept it, you'll stop trying to manipulate or force others into achieving the results that you want. Force and manipulation will, at best, only get you a temporary result. Human beings always resist force and manipulation. Force and manipulation are really a product of fear.

When my children were young and they told their mom they wanted to live with Dad all the time, her response was to tell them that if they did that she would disown them. Obviously, I knew she wouldn't disown them and I told them that. But she got what she wanted temporarily. They went back to live with her for a month. But in short order, they realized Mom wasn't really going to leave them and then they moved into my house permanently.

Be Free

Learn to give up being right. How many times have we used that as justification for our actions?

When I say give up being right, I'm not saying forget about the concept of right and wrong. It's incredibly important to teach your children the difference between right and wrong. Giving up being right really relates to the whole idea of control. More specifically, it deals with the fact that you don't control anyone else. If you're having an argument with your ex or you're mad at them because you're right and they're wrong, this has nothing to do with making them right and you wrong. It has nothing to do with forgetting about right and wrong. It doesn't meant that you have to give in to the. I just means you aren't going to convince them that you're right. It just means, let it go. Again, think long term. Think what will be effective and what your kids are seeing as you interface with your ex.

Be Courageous

Always deal with issues with your children head-on. My daughters told me throughout high school that their friends were always amazed at all the things they could talk to me about. My daughters would tell me "My girlfriends are amazed about the things I tell you." Of course, I was forced into this because there was no mom around. The result is that my kids can talk to me about anything - sex, drugs, rock-n-roll. However, our goal here is to raise these children so they become productive and healthy young adults.

When you communicate clearly and openly with your children and develop trust they will come to you with the important issues in their life. Be their guide. You are their anchor. You want them talking to you, not their friends.

Be Peaceful

This comes back to being accepting about what you're really trying to achieve. Don't take the easy way out. Develop an early warning system. What are the things in your relationship with your children that irritate, aggravate or anger you? Think about what it is that really angers you.

Whatever you think it is, it really isn't that. Now you think I'm talking nonsense. Let me give you an example. When my daughters were in high school I used to get really aggravated when they would leave the bathroom a mess. Typically, they would spend hours in the bathroom, doing what girls do, so that they could leave and be beautiful and get to that party. They would make a half-hearted attempt to clean up the bathroom and boom, they were out the door. I'd go upstairs, take one look at the bathroom and become angry because the sink was a mess and the towels were just lying on the floor.

On its face, I was angry because they left the bathroom a mess. When I really analyzed it, I knew I was mad at myself because I was failing as a parent to modify their behavior. That's what I mean when I say, look at whatever it is that upsets you and whatever you think it is, it's not really that.

Be Powerful

Don't be cynical; be inspiring. Act in a way that they are touched and that you make a difference in their lives. A last work about complete ownership: I've repeatedly talked about being responsible in your life. Successful parents are responsible. Responsibility in this context is not a burden. It's not something you have to do, like pay the bills. It's not about fault or blame. It's not about guilt of shame. It's not about getting credit. It isn't all about your ability to understand things or to say if a thing is moral or ethical. It's not about what's good or bad.

Being responsible means being wiling to deal with a situation in your life from the view that you are the creator of your life and of what you do. No one makes you responsible and you don't make anyone else responsible. It's a gift you give yourself.

Pass this lesson on to your children. Teach them to be responsible for themselves. Again, not a burden - acknowledge that they determine the consequences of their lives.

Take Nothing Personally

In all of your relationships, in all of your communications, take nothing personally. Observe the world around you. Notice how often people get offended. Look for it. As an experiment, see how many times you can notice someone being offended in a single day. The more you observe it as an outsider, the more comical it becomes. People act like little kids.

Don't be like everyone else. Step back and be an observer. Watch how people interact with each other. You'll find it humorous. The more you observe it in other people, the more humorous it is, the funnier it becomes, and the more quickly you'll realize when you're doing it, you'll be able to stop.

If you want your children to turn out great, your success in parenting and your communication with your kids will both benefit from using these tips.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

From Baby to Teen

by: Lillie Davis

You've done your job as a parent, right? You fed your child when he or she was a baby, changed those diapers, spent numerous sleepless nights taking care of your baby. You wiped that runny nose, warmed the bottle, sanitized the house, and did all you could to care for and protect your baby.

Then the baby became a toddler. You kissed the boo boos. You wiped away the tears. You child proofed the entire house to protect him or her from harm. You did all that you could to keep your toddler safe.

Then came the grammar school age. Again, you watched out for your child. You always knew where your child was and who he or she was with. You monitored your child because you wanted to keep your child safe. You were being a very good parent.

Then came the teen years and your teen gets a driver's license. You teen stills needs you to watch out for him or her because your teen still doesn't have the maturity to make all the right decisions. As a responsible parent, you need to do all you can to protect your teen. It is not an invasion of privacy to monitor and know the whereabouts of your teen. It is being a good parent. That is why all parents need to consider installing a GPS Tracking unit in their teens automobile. GPS tracking helps parents with the peace of mind of knowing that their teens are safe.

Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death of teens with over one-third a direct result of speed related issues. Teen drivers killed in a motor vehicle accident had a youth passenger 45% of the time with 53% of these teen deaths occurring on the weekend. Do everything that you can to ensure that your teen is not one of those terrible statistics. Install a GPS Tracking unit in your teen's vehicle now!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

What's the best children's music?

by: Dr Christobel Llewellyn

It's sometimes confusing for parents to know what's the best choice for children's music. As both a music educator and parent, I found myself browsing through record stores eagerly looking for something both my husband and I, and my children could enjoy. Unfortunately, I didn't find it. Most of the chidlren's music was corporate ie. attached to a tv show. It seemed to be all copies of the same thing. Lots of vocalists singing nursery rhymes, mostly in G or C Major with little variety. Hardly any instrumentation.

Children are magnificent. Any parent knows this. Children's music should play to this magnificence, not down to the common denominator.

I started KINDERJAZZ The Big Swing Band For Little Kids for this reason. You can check it out against the list below on http://www.kinderjazz.com. I wanted children to be exposed to the cream, not the residue. Childhood is when a human's hearing is most acute. It is when we learn our language and this informs much future success in our lives. The best children's music has the following ingredients:

  • melody
  • rhythm
  • interesting key signatures
  • variety of styles
  • clarity
  • be performed by professionals
  • harmony - simple or complex
  • safe, intelligent and fun lyrics
  • educational
Don't just walk into a store and buy what you've seen on tv. Music is powerful. Ask any advertising agency. Children's music needs to be the highest quality. What your children listen to will form a memory bank in their brains for the rest of their lives. PLATO said, "To become the right kind of person, you must listen to the right kind of music."


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Making Money Online

Maybe this is old news and maybe some of you already experienced what I am about to tell, but I will explain it here anyway. For people out there who have blog you can get paid to blog about anything that you like. Through blog advertising bloggers can start making real money.

Maybe this idea is a bit blur for you. Ok, let me explain it further. If you have a blog and has a Google page rank of a minimum 2 or 3, advertisers will look for your blog as a place to advertise. This advertise on blogs is a fast and easy way to get readers to the advertiser's site. It will depend on the advertisers to choose which blogs satisfy their requirements. To facilitate between bloggers and advertisers you need to have service providers. Smorty is such sites. Bloggers can join the site so they can get paid for blogging. Advertisers join to find the best and suitable blog to advertise their site or product.

Now that you have read this information, what would you do next? You can still blog just for fun or you can start to blog for money. That is really up to you. If you ask me, I will do it both. If your blog can be money maker, then its making blogging more fun, isn't it?


Friday, March 14, 2008

Your Child's Tummy Ache Can Be Serious!

by: Jim DeSantis

It's a challenge for us and the doctor to find out the cause of those frustrating tummy aches. Sometimes the pain requires some common sense. Other times it can be an emergency. The causes can be related to food, infections, poisoning, insect bites, and the list goes on.

Bacteria and viruses are infections that should conern you most. Gastroenteritis and stomach flu are some of the examples of infections that can cause stomach aches. Gastroenteritis is the inflammation and irritation of stomach and the gastrointestinal passage. Stomach pain due to viral infections usually go away quickly, but bacterial infections demand antibiotics. In both the cases, some children recover quickly. If recovery includes diarrhea, your child should be given plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

Food related stomach aches can be caused because of food poisoning, gas production, excess food ingestion and food allergies. Problems caused by food poisoning can be extreme or minor depending on the source of the poisoning. The national news gives us plenty of information, some scary, some helpful that we must wade through for what fits our situation at the moment.

Symptoms of food poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and nausea. Usually these symptoms surface within two days of consumption of contaminated food. Depending on the severity - chill, fever, bloody stools, or damage to the nervous system can follow. Any suspicion of food poisoning should be dealt with immediately by a call to your family doctor or a visit to a hospital emergency room.

Hundreds of diseases are known to be transmitted via food. Food can be poisoned because of toxic agents or infective agents. Infective agents are parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Toxic agents are uncooked food, exotic foods, and poisonous mushrooms, for example. Food can get contaminated because of handling by unclean workers at the local restaurant, too. Remember the recent meat and lettuce stories?

Going out to eat is another area of possible contamination. You should check your local Health Agency to determine the record of any establishment you want to visit for the first time, especially if it is newly opened.

Particular foods can cause tummy irritation, such as diary products which can expose lactose intolerance for the first time. If your child is allergic to food or drinks containing dairy products, swallowing even a small amount can cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, cramping, and skin rash. These items are harmless for most of us but for our little ones thet can cause, allergic reactions known as hypersensitivity reaction. Sometimes the symptoms can be life threatening and are known as anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis. Again, call your doctor or visit an emergency room immediately.

Poisoning can also be due to overdose of medicines which, do I need to say it, you should keep in a secure place away from your children. The same is true for non-food stuffs like common household chemicals. Keep them safely locked away. Inexpensive drawer and door latches can be purchased almost anywhere, even online.

Insect bites, such as spider bites and wasp stings, can also lead to pain in the abdomen due to an allergic reaction. It can be accompanied with muscle cramps, weakness, nausea, tremor, vomiting and can cause dizziness, fainting, respiratory problems, and chest pain, increases in heart rate and blood pressure level. These are all dangerous warning flags that should be heeded.

In very rare cases, especially among children, tummy pain can be a sign of appendicitis. If this happens, your child will have a higher rate of complications and should be immediately rushed to the hospital. The pain starts slowly in the abdomen, specifically near the belly button. The pain shifts slowly to the right side of the lower abdomen within a time period spanning twenty four hours. Clear symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, fever and loss of appetite.

Diabetes can also be a reason for acute tummy pain. Small children usually curl up, cry, or quietly express pain through facial expressions. Your child may be reluctant to talk about the pain, but you should press to get a clear explanation of the problem. Along with close monitoring of the symptoms, studying the location of pain, pain duration, nature of vomiting, and urinary problems will help you decide the next course of action. Your pediatrician should be consulted and they may refer to a gastroenterologist just to be on the safe side.

Help your child to relax during an episode. You should keep calm, too! Caressing your child and speaking to them in a soothing voice are a big help towards easing the pain until professional intervention is reached.

Above all, you need to keep your wits about you as you handle the situation. Don't panic. Panic wastes valuable time, clouds your judgement and, most of all, frightens your little loved one.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

14 Table Manners Every Child Should Know

by: Elena Neitlich

After interviewing for an exciting employment opportunity, the young candidate was rejected, “When I asked for real feedback, the interviewer told me that although my job skills and education were a good fit, some of my table manners raised a red flag. The position entails many client dinners and I guess I had a few bad habits that they saw at meals during the interview process.” The candidate continued, “I would have loved to have been taught proper table manners by my parents. I feel at a real disadvantage, and I am quite frankly, embarrassed by my lack of manners.”

Sadly the situation the interviewee faced above is not uncommon. Competition is fierce for good jobs and seats in good universities. There are many more highly qualified applicants than positions. Polished table skills are a needed asset and social skill in this competitive culture.

Every parent wants to launch their children into the world with the skills they need to succeed. Equipping children with good table manners is an important lesson that all parents should want to give to their children. Using good table manners allows the focus to be placed on the conversation not on the act of eating. Having good table manners gives people the confidence to participate in any dining situation with ease.

Start introducing manners lessons slowly to very young children and add more refined lessons as the child matures. Consistency and repetition are very important when teaching children. Parents will have to reinforce the rules time and time again until good practices become habit. Remind children whenever a slip in manners occurs but don’t scold or nag.

Practicing good manners daily will eventually lead to mastery and manners will become second nature. As children develop fine motor skills, their use of utensils and glassware will improve. With constant repetition, by the early teen years, kids will have built up a comprehensive collection of manners which parents need only fine-tune for teens to be capable of attending the most formal of occasions.

For the well being of the children, even busy families should find the time to sit down together each evening for a meal. The most simple of meals, including take-out fare, are fine choices. Make sure that the food is transferred and/or served in serving dishes and that the family uses dinnerware. If dinner is impossible on certain evenings, families can sit down later in the evening for dessert; make sure to set the table and use dinnerware and utensils.

Teaching children the proper way to set the table is a perfect start for introducing the use of utensils, plates and glasses. Explain where each utensil is placed, what it is for, when it is used, and the correct way to hold it. Young children love being given a responsibility and will happily and proudly set the table each evening. Put placemats, napkins, silverware, plates, cups and bowls within reach of children to facilitate easy table setting. A good idea in homes with small children is to purchase nice quality melamine dishes so when plates drop they will not break.

Children do not learn proper table manners overnight. It takes years of repetition and consistent training to refine their skills. Parents have eighteen years to help shape their child’s table manners so there is plenty of time to patiently work with them. Expect lots of errors and missteps, use gentle guidance, never scold or embarrass, just kindly correct and continue eating.

If parents begin teaching manners when their children are toddlers, by the time the kids are in kindergarten they will have mastery of the basics.

The following is a list of table manners that your child should have a good grasp of by age six.

Wash their hands and face before sitting down to the table.

Sit down in their proper seat and put their napkin in their lap.

Wait to begin eating until everyone is seated and has been served. Many families wait until an adult gives permission to start eating.

Stay seated in their seats without wiggling in their chairs, going under the table, or getting up and down.

Say, “Excuse Me,” and ask permission to leave the table.

Elbows do not belong on the table.

Mouths should stay closed while chewing and pieces should be bite sized.

“May I please” and “Thank you” should be used when children would like food and never reach across the table.

Participate in the conversation during dinner and no interruptions when other people are talking.

Slurping, burping, squealing, singing, humming are all sounds that are not to be made at the table.

It is never kind or polite to make negative comments about what is being served for dinner.

Before getting up at the end of the meal say, “May I please be excused?”

Ask if adults would like them to clear their dinner plate.

Thank the cook.

Preparing children for adulthood starts the moment the baby is placed in the arms of the mother. Teaching children to use good table manners is a wonderful gift that will serve them well throughout their entire lives. Parents will be proud that their children are using the good manners that they have taught them, and more importantly children will be polished and refined and capable of being comfortable in any situation.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Educational Toys: Making Kids Smart By Having Fun

by: Rony Pollock

Kids are like sponges. They absorb. But the similarity ends there. While sponges absorb, they shrink and disintegrate before long. Kids, on the other hand, soak up day to day experiences and when the right mindsets are instilled, they continually thrive. That’s why it’s important for parents like you to carefully select the toys they play with. Associating fun and play with learning is a fundamental aspect of every child’s growth. And one of the best ways to make this happen is through educational toys.

It All Starts at Home

The home front is crucial to a child’s development. This is where curiosity is first explored. This is where a child learns about colors, shapes, and sounds, what Yes and No mean, and that asking “why” can almost always generate an explanation. The first lessons brought about by childhood generally come from the people around the household. That’s why all activities of your kid should be carefully selected. The right books, appropriate TV programs, and educational toys can supplement and enhance your child’s learning process, making the early stages of learning easier and enjoyable.

Lessons of Playtime

Playing is every child’s first priority. Playtime may only seem to provide pure entertainment, but it is also an integral part of your child’s mental and emotional growth. While it’s good to provide children opportunities for skill formation, such as music or art classes, it’s also ideal to give them ample time to play. Doing so, would provide the following benefits:

- Personality development
- Awareness of their potentials
- Promote independent thinking
- An avenue for creative thinking and problem solving
- Improvement their motor skills
- Enhance their ability to think and communicate
- Value-formation

Guidance is essential to bring out the best in children. But it doesn’t mean that you should totally organize the whole experience for your child. The important thing is to provide supervision and the appropriate tools for play and let your child take it from there.

Toys that Fit

Giving your child high-quality educational toys will liven up and enhance the process of sensory and learning development. The right toys for the right age needs to be considered too. A rattle wouldn’t capture the interest a five-year-old kid. Here’s a quick guide on what educational toys children may enjoy at a certain age:

Infants – The keywords are soft, safe, and colorful. Vividly colored rattles and squeaky toys will stimulate their sense of touch, sight, and hearing.

1 to 2 years – This is a stage where children start learning how to maneuver the things in their hands. They are also beginning to discover that some things are paired together. Toddlers will enjoy building blocks and toys that will allow them to identify and match shapes.

2 to 3 years – Children are beginning to get more creative at this age. They like role playing with other kids or by themselves. Puzzles, Play Cubes, and educational toys that stir their imagination are the best options.

4 to 5 years – Kids are into creative thinking and decision-making by this age. Educational toys that can help enhance these developments include puzzle games and constructions toys.

As children grow older, they become more independent in their choices of what toys to play with. They usually forego free play for games that involve rules and friends. They learn to be competitive. This is the time where parents’ guidance is most crucial. But if you’ve established the foundation by providing your child with educational toys early on, then you may have a child who’s well-developed emotionally and smart to boot.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Potty Training - The Easy Way

by: Tim Neumann

Potty training children is just that—training. Just as each child learns to walk and talk at their own pace, so to do children learn to use the potty. Remember patience and consistency. And never get upset when a child has an accident. Growing up is a strange new experience for them and learning to control their bodies is all part of life. Getting angry when a child has an accident creates more problems than it solves

For some children, it will be like turning on a light switch and they will wake up and never use a diaper again. For others, it may take a month or two for them to fully transition out of diapers. Whatever you do you must be consistent. If you work hard for a week and only see minimal progress, do not give up.

Some of the signs a child may be ready to be potty trained is if they are ale to stay dry for over two hours at a time. If they have regular bowel movements throughout the day. If your child comes up and tells you they need a diaper change.

Using a potty chair or a toilet ring is up to you, but if you find one method is not working as well, don’t be afraid to try the other.

Here are some different methods to try:

The timer method:

Set a kitchen or other timer for 20 minute intervals. Every time the time goes off, take your child to the potty and have them sit there. If they use it, great! If not, that’s fine too. Just set the timer again and keep trying. But be consistent.

The reward method:

Some parent have had success creating a little chart where the child can put stickers on it if they go potty. After a certain number of stickers are put on the chart the child gets a prize

The example method:

Yes, I know it can be a bit embarrassing, but letting the child watch you use the bathroom can be a fantastic way to show them how and encourage them to be a “big kid.”

The book method:

You local library will likely have several books on potty training. Some of these will be written specifically for kids. Check these out and read them to your child several times to help encourage them.

The trial and error method:

Some children just have a harder time than others, so it may take trying several or all the different methods until you find one that works.

Whatever method you try, just remember to make potty training a fun stress-free time for your child.


Friday, March 07, 2008

Kids and Money - Why Is It So Hard?

We learn so many things as we grow up. We learn how to walk, talk, and get away with not doing our homework. We learn how to play complicated games, many of them involving pretend money.

So, why is it so hard for us to learn how to manage money?

Why do so many people struggle to make ends meet, even on reasonably high incomes?

Why do so few people manage to provide sufficiently for themselves in retirement?

It’s not rocket science. We know what it takes. And there are some people doing it. So why isn’t basic money management as widely understood as basic geometry?

Imagine what life would be like if making money came as easily and naturally as riding a bike or tying your shoelaces. Imagine graduating high school with a permanent, secure, passive income already in place. You wake each the morning to find more money has appeared in your account overnight! If you want to travel, you do. If you want to paint, write, or do any other creative activity, you do. You choose your occupation based on what you love to do, not the burden of having to pay the bills. You have all the time you need to socialise with your family and friends, to stay in shape, and to practice your spirituality.

This world is not a pipe-dream. It’s not unrealistic. The world is alive with opportunity, more so now than ever before, and the opportunity is expanding exponentially.

With the right knowledge and attitudes, today’s kids can capture their share of that opportunity, and set themselves up for life.

So, why isn’t everyone doing it?

Because not everyone’s parents have the right knowledge and attitudes to pass along to their kids. Some of those who have the knowledge and attitudes are still setting themselves up in life, working long hours, and find it difficult to break the knowledge down into terms their kids can understand.

What can we do about it?

As parents, we need to be conscious that financial education ranks up there with education about nutrition, health, and communication. We must educate ourselves, so that we can educate our children.

There are many places to go on the web to get that vital financial education.

The Cash Smart Kids program (http://www.cash-smart-kids.com) provides lessons for the kids, plus additional reference material for their parents.

The Rich Dad website (http://www.richdad.com) is rich in content, and contains information about the Cashflow series of educational board games.

There are numerous e-Books, ezine articles, and offline financial publications with an online presence.

And, of course, there are dozens of relevant books in your local book store.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Daily Health Tips

There is an Arabian proverb which says, he who has health has hope and he who has hope has it all. Contrary to the belief, living a healthy lifestyle is not complicated or time consuming. Here are a few daily health tips to burn calories and stay fit while you work, play or even drive.

As you wake up sit up slowly. Do not use your hands. Straighten your legs and lean forward. You then feel a gentle stretch in your back and hamstrings. Hold; then using your abs, lower yourself flat. Rest and repeat a couple of times. This exercise strengthens the core.

This is a daily health tip which you can practice as you make your morning cup of coffee or tea. Stand sideways. Put one hand on your kitchen counter. Lift the outside leg straight out in front of you, keeping it extended. With your upper body straight, hold for a few seconds and move it to the side. Hold and extend it behind you. Repeat 5 to 10 times with each legs. This exercise tones up your outer thighs, hip flexors and quadriceps.

Use slim milk for your coffee and tea preparation. Opt for whole grain preparations and cereals rather than instant food. Have a protein heavy meal earlier in the day as you may eat less as the day progresses. Hard boiled egg is a good choice as it makes you feel full and you will not feel tempted to snack before lunch.

Every time you apply brake while driving, squeeze your derriere, holding it for 10 seconds. You will develop buns of steel.

Snack smart by grabbing an apple. It is packed with fiber and water. So the stomach will feel full and save you a few calories which you would otherwise gain by snacking on cookies.

Whenever you converse over the phone, stand up and pace around. Walk up to a colleague who is seated farthest from you and deliver the daily messages. Take the stairs whenever possible. Carry some weight when you go on grocery shopping or running errands.

Sit in your chair with your back straight and your feet on the floor, squeeze knees together and gently bring them toward your chest. Do it a couple of times. It will strengthen your abdominals.

Start with a clear soup for lunch or dinner. You fill feel fuller and subsequently eat less. After dinner, while still sitting at the table, extend your leg out; slowly bend it up and down. Squeeze and hold in the up position for at least 5 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. It sculpts the quadriceps.

Finally, before you tuck in, lie on your back on the floor with your legs up on the edge of the bed or chair. Slowly bend your knees, lifting your hips off the floor. Hold for five seconds, relax and repeat for a few times. It firms up hamstrings and core.

The above daily health tips will help you burn the calories throughout the day. You may not even realize it until you find yourself stronger, healthier, sharper, leaner, more energetic and feeling years younger in mind, body and spirit.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Eye Care

The eyes are the window to your soul and therefore need special care and attention especially so, with increasing pollution and levels of dust and grime. While we tend to look after our skin and hair and other parts of the body, we tend to relegate eye care to the background. There are several simple and easy solutions to all problems related to eye care from relaxation to dark circles and crow's feet. The following tips provide you complete treatment for your eyes.

All you need to do is to set aside few minutes everyday for eye care. It will benefit you in the long run. You can then possess healthy and beautiful eyes devoid of crow's feet and dark circles around the eyes.

The first and foremost in eye care is the diet. Make sure that your intake includes plenty of fruits and vegetables specially the yellow ones like carrots, mangoes, papaya etc. All these are rich in beta carotene which helps to have healthy eyes. Spinach is also good for the health of your eyes.

Rest is vital in the eye care routine. It will not only refresh the eyes but also improve their efficiency. Therefore take adequate rest. Regular exercise is mandatory to improve blood circulation. It will supply enough oxygen for the perfect functioning of the eyes.Simple everyday eye exercise like closing your eyes gently for 30 seconds to relax them in between your work, rotating your eyes often to relax muscles and moving your eyeballs from extreme left corner to the right corner is good for maintaining healthy eyes. To prevent blurred vision follow this simple exercise. Hold a pencil at arm's length and slowly bring it towards your nose, keeping eyes focused at all times

The skin around the eyes is very thin and full of blood vessels, which makes it sensitive to changes in the body especially those related to retention and distribution of water. In most cases puffiness in and around the eyes is often noticed upon waking up in the morning. Mild puffiness is usually only a temporary cosmetic concern. However if puffiness is severe or persistent and accompanied by swelling of the face or other parts, it may indicate other conditions like thyroid or kidney diseases and calls for immediate medical attention. Even though puffiness is accumulation of excess fluid, when the body gets dehydrated, it stores water as a defense mechanism, which contributes to further puffiness. Therefore, drinking adequate water is an important part of eye care. Drink at least a liter of water to avoid any kind of puffiness in the eyes. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out waste from the body.

Avoid excessive rubbing of your eyes as the irritation caused due to rubbing or touching will only cause more puffiness. Instead just blink your eyelids. Blinking is a good massage and exercise to the eyes.Milk is a good and safe natural cleanser. Clean your eyes using a clean cotton ball dipped in milk. Rose water drops gives a good glow to your eyes. Castor oil application is good for your eye lashes and eye brows. It keeps them dense and dark.

Protect your eyes from sunrays during the peak daytime by wearing sunglasses. The usual home remedies like cold water compress, cucumber slices, tea bags, application of egg whites and grated potatoes under the eyes for about 10 minutes are effective. It helps to avoid under eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.

Even if you have no complaints it's important to see a doctor and have a routine eye check up. The above eye care tips will ensure that your pair of eyes remains healthy and beautiful for a very long time.


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Dental Health Care

Dental Health Care is one of the best prevention programs to ensure fresh breath, healthy mouth and teeth for life. Dental diseases are not considered to be fatal .Hence very often people neglect the importance of oral hygiene. Nevertheless, the cost of dental disease in pain, suffering, treatment and loss of work is huge. Teeth are meant to last a lifetime. By taking good care of your teeth and gums, you can protect them for many years to come.

Tooth decay is not restricted to children's disease. It can occur to anyone as long as natural teeth are in the mouth. It is caused by bacteria that usually exist in the mouth. The bacteria stick to teeth and form a colorless and sticky film called dental plaque.

An important part of dental health care is to know how to brush and floss perfectly. Careful brushing each day removes plaque. In addition to brushing, using dental floss is required to keep the gums healthy. Proper flossing is imperative because it removes plaque and leftover food that a toothbrush cannot reach.

The following are the brushing Tips.Worn out toothbrushes cannot properly clean your teeth and may injure your gums. So it is recommended to replace them every three or four months. Teeth should be brushed gently with very short strokes and enough pressure so that you feel the bristles against the gums. The tips of the bristles do the cleaning, so it should not be compressed. Never use a toothbrush with very hard bristles .It can damage the gums. Teeth should be thoroughly brushed at least once a day, preferably twice in a day. Children should clean their teeth after every meal and at bedtime.

The following are the flossing tips.Flossing removes plaque and food particles from between the teeth and below the gum lines where the toothbrush can't reach. As tooth decay and periodontal disease often start in these areas, it's important to clean them thoroughly and daily. A commercial floss holder may seem helpful to use. Most children cannot floss their own teeth until age 10.

Gums may be sore and bleed for the first five or six days after you floss .It is a sign that plaque and bacteria are being removed. If bleeding does persist even after a few days it is better to consult your dentist. Exercise care while flossing as improper flossing injures your gums. Consult your dentist about how to floss properly, to avoid injuring your gums.

A healthy smile is a winner at any age. Eat a balanced diet and restrict munching snacks between meals. If you need a snack, choose nutritious foods such as raw vegetables, plain yogurt, cheese or a piece of fruit. Fluoride is important for both adults as well as children. Fluoride compounds are present in drinking water and some foods. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Replace your toothbrush every three or four months or sooner if the bristles are worn as it won't do a perfect job of cleaning your teeth.

Apart from following a good dental health care, it is essential to have regular check-ups by the dentist whether you possess natural teeth or depend on false dentures. It is also vital to abide by with any special treatments that are required to make sure of good oral health. For example, if you have sensitive teeth caused by receding gums, your dentist may advise using special toothpaste for sometime. If you have on false dentures, keep them clean and free from food that causes bad breath and gum irritation. Make sure that you brush all the surface of the dentures with a denture care product once a day. A common cause of tooth loss after one crosses 35years of age is gum disease which is also known as periodontal disease. This occurs due to infections of the gum and bone that hold the teeth in its place. Gum diseases are also caused by dental plaque.

Remember you can have just one set of natural permanent teeth in your lifetime. Take good care of it and the reward will smile back at you every time you look at your reflection. Keep away from activities that are harmful to the teeth such as smoking, addiction to caffeine etc. A healthy mouth is indeed an indication of a healthy body. By taking care of your teeth, eating a balanced diet and visiting your dentist regularly, you can have healthy teeth and an attractive smile your entire life.


Saturday, March 01, 2008

About Essential Fatty Acids and Fish Oil

By now, most of us have heard of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and their potential health benefits. They’re said to sustain cognitive function and memory, benefit the heart and immune system, aid in cell reproduction and repair, and even help balance hormones. Fish oil, duly noted by the medical community as having similar benefits, contains high levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids, thus establishing the link between a daily regimen of fish oil and good health. Fish oil is sold in the U.S. as a dietary supplement and comes in both liquid and capsule form.

What are essential fatty acids?

Essential fatty acids are unsaturated fats typically found in the oils of vegetables, certain nuts and seeds and some fish. They’re said to benefit health more than the saturated fats found in meat and dairy products and may even have a positive impact on cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Essential fatty acids are referred to as "essential" because they must be obtained through diet and are essential to the normal growth and function of muscles, nerves, cells and organs in humans. There are two families of essential fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids – the fatty acids found in fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat present in many coldwater fish including trout, salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, mackerel, tuna and cod. The two most potent forms of omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), both known as "good fats" – unlike saturated fats, which when consumed in excess can lead to cardiovascular problems, neural and brain disorders.

EPA helps to produce the prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) which help control blood-clotting and arterial functions. EPAs may also help to lower serum triglyceride levels.

DHA is a major component of human brain and retinal tissue and aids the transmission of nerve impulses.

The term "omega-3 essential fatty acid" has become synonymous with "fish oil" in modern American marketing literature.

Sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids other than fish oil include, but are not limited to:

• Avocadoes (whole or oil)
• Brazil nuts
• Flaxseed
• Flaxseed oil
• Fortified milk products
• Hempseeds
• Hempseed oil
• Omega-3 eggs
• Pumpkin seeds
• Sesame seed
• Soybean oil
• Walnuts
• Wheat germ oil

Omega-6 fatty acids – not found in fish oil

Omega-6 EFAs are found in animal products such as dairy and meat and are common in cooking oils such as safflower, olive, sunflower, hemp, soybean, pumpkin, sesame, walnut and flaxseed oils. Too many omega-6 EFAs, say nutritionists, can throw off the balance of prostaglandins and lead to health problems. Experts recommend a ratio of three parts omega-3 essential fatty acids to every one part omega-6 fatty acid in the diet. Research indicates that Americans consume far more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 as a result of overindulging in fried foods, red meat and cheese.

Omega-6 fatty acids are dependent on interactions with omega-3 essential fatty acids in order to benefit good health, which is why a balance of the two is crucial in the diet. The American Heart Association cautions against a high dietary intake of omega-6 fatty acids as it can lead to the development of gallstones and promote tumors.


Prostaglandins encompass a number of hormone-like substances found in every cell in the body. They’re critical to the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, the contraction and relaxation of muscles, the regulation of blood pressure and the modulation of inflammation. Prostaglandins are needed for overall good health and maintenance and must be replenished constantly. It’s easy to understand why having a good balance of prostaglandins in the body is essential to well-being.

Where does fish oil come from?

Most fish oil is extracted from the fatty flesh of the fish, unless a product specifically states otherwise, as is the case with cod liver oil or shark liver oil – extracted from fish liver. Nutritious fish oil is usually derived from deep, coldwater fish and those swimming in the wild (wild fish eat other fish and marine animals and vegetation to survive, whereas farm-raised fish are typically fed some type of less nutritious, less expensive, commercial-grade pellet). Some experts say the best fish comes from the deep Atlantic of Norway and other Scandinavian countries: the deeper and colder the water, say experts, the less chance of toxins such as mercury, lead, dioxins, furans and PCBs occurring in the fish oil. Fish from eastern Pacific waters is known to contain elevated levels of mercury.

Fish oil supplements – good ones / bad ones

"Product disclosure" is the operable phrase when seeking out nutritious fish oil supplements. From what kind of fish is the oil extracted and from where is it extracted naturally through pressing or with a centrifuge; or are petrochemical solvents such as hexane used to extract the oil from the source? How is the fish oil refined? Is it molecularly distilled, which to date is the most reliable form of fish oil purification, or does the label read something like "extra-distilled" or "super-distilled?" Such terms have no bearing on quality or safety. Because the hundreds of thousands of fish oil supplements on the market remain unregulated by the FDA, the safety, consistency, efficacy and strength of these products varies immensely among brands.

When reading fish oil supplement labels:

• Make sure the type of fish from which the fish oil is extracted is listed.
• Look for terms "coldwater," "deep water" and "wild" as opposed to "farm-raised."
• In what ocean or hemisphere was the fish caught? North Atlantic, deep, coldwater is said to be the most nutritious.
• Make sure the fish oil is molecularly distilled, which better ensures the absence of PCBs, heavy metals and other contaminants.
• What parts of the fish were used? Fish oils extracted from fish liver may be higher in heavy metals and contaminants.
• What fish oil extraction method was used? Cold or modified expeller pressing means that the oil was produced without damaging temperatures or unnecessary pressure.

Marketing claims that have no defined meaning in relation to fish oil supplements, and which often mislead consumers, include:

• Ultra-pure
• Professional grade
• Pharmaceutical grade
• High-potency
• Super-distilled
• Natural
• Extra-distilled
• Best
• Finest
• Highest quality
• Pure
• Purest
• Purified

Essential fatty acid health benefits and risks

Few argue the benefits of fish oil and essential fatty acids in the diet. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the omega-3 fatty acids can benefit cardiovascular health and that "good unsaturated fats" derived from vegetables and fish are far more nutritious than "bad saturated fats" which come from red meat, animal products and dairy. The cardiovascular benefits to balancing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet include lowered serum cholesterol, decreased serum trigylcerides and reduced platelet aggregation. Although many fish oil supplement companies claim that fish oil supplementation may aid brain function and strengthen the immune system, a complete body of evidence has yet to be produced.

Along with the health benefits of fish oil come some risks, most associated with taking too high doses of fish oil or having dangerously high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in the blood. Some of these risks can include:

• Thinning of the blood and reduced ability of the blood to clot.
• Increased risk of bleeding.
• Too large doses can increase glucose levels in persons with already elevated blood sugar levels.
• In excess, fish oil may suppress the immune system.
• Increase the occurrence of nosebleeds and easy bruising.
• Upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea and belching.
• Poisoning from heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and pesticides.

Experts and nutritionists are convinced that the health benefits of fish oil far outweigh the risks. However, many warn that fish oil shouldn’t be taken with blood-thinning medication such as warfarin or aspirin and shouldn’t be taken by anyone with bleeding disorders or uncontrolled hypertension. It is highly advisable to consult a physician before supplementing a diet with fish oil.

EPAs, DHAs, efficacy and the FDA

In September of 2004, the FDA announced they would allow a qualified health claim for reduced risk of coronary heart disease for conventional foods that contain EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids as outlined in FDA’s "Interim Procedures for Qualified Health Claims in the Labeling of Conventional Human Food and Human Dietary Supplements." Notwithstanding inconclusive research at the time of release, the FDA said it would exercise its enforcement discretion with respect to the following qualified health claim:

"Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One serving of [name of food] provides [x] grams of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. [See nutrition information for total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content.]"

In 2000, the FDA announced a similar qualified health claim for dietary supplements containing EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids and the reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). The FDA recommends that consumers not exceed more than a total of three grams per day of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, with no more than two grams per day from a dietary supplement.