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Friday, June 08, 2007

Baby Bath Tub - A Necessity Or A Luxury?

Deciding to buy a baby bath tub may be as easy as a picking out cute little baby booties, or as hard as choosing the right name for your baby. With prices on some infant bath tubs as high as 30 and 40 dollars; many may wonder if having one is really a necessity, or just an expensive baby luxury.

Well consider this… The US Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that dozens of children drown each year. Two-thirds of these accidents happened in the home in bath tubs. While the majority of these drownings took place when the child was left unattended, a few incidences occurred while a parent was trying to give their baby a bath in an adult-sized tub and the child just simply slipped away.

For safety reasons, baby bath tubs are clearly a necessity, especially during those first few months when an infant cannot sit up or provide their own support.

Many of these specialized baby tubs are designed with slings or hammocks that will hold a newborn securely in place. Others have a foam grip inside that will prevent slipping. All of them are small enough to fit inside a regular bath tub which gives the parent the convenience of bathing their baby in an environment that is water-friendly and easy to keep clean.

But make sure you do some research and read product reviews on the various baby bath tubs on the market before you fork over your hard earned cash. A tub that is perfect for one baby may be a complete disaster for another. A Soothing Spa and Shower Baby Bath Tub may sound like a wonderful thing, but if you later find out that the sprayer is too difficult to use you may end up feeling ripped off. That’s why it is always best to find out what other parents have to say before you buy.

Lastly, if you are giving your baby a bath for the very first time, consult your pediatrician or get some information online on how to do it right. Experts say you should not immerse a baby in bath water before the umbilical cord has fallen off or the circumcision has healed. Sponge baths are the only way to go in the first few weeks. You should also line up all of your baby bath items before you start the bath.

More importantly, NEVER EVER leave a baby unattended in a bath tub! If you have to leave the room, take your baby with you.