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Thursday, February 07, 2008

A Father's Story

A friend gave me this story. For parents out there once you read this story you will be more grateful to have your children and love them even more. Please take sometime to read it as you will learn something from it. A father just came home from work (let's just called him Peter). He has jut put his bag on the table and sat on the couch when his daughter came to him. "Father, father", Rita said. "What's the matter Rita?". "Father I want to ask you something", Rita replied. "What do you want to ask dear?". "Father, are you tired?". "Of course I am tired darling, after working for almost 10 hours". "I just want to ask you this, how much does your company pay you?". "Why do you ask me that? Well if you really want to know, the company pays me four hundred rupiahs a day". "Okay, if the company pays you four thousand rupiahs a day and you work ten hours, so that means you are paid forty thousands an hour". "Yes that's right now let father take a shower first. I am really tired". "But father I want to lend some money from you, because I need it for something. Please lend me father". Peter said with a high voice, "What do you need the money for. I will lend you the money later, but now I want to take shower. Please don't say a word again". Peter wendt and took the shower. Then he realized that he has made his daughter sad, yelling at her like that. So after taking the shower, he went to Rita's room and found her crying. "Why are you crying Rita? What is so important with the money that you can't wait until tomorrow?". "I want to play snake with you for an hour. Because mother said that your time is really priceless then I want to pay you to play with me. But because I only have fifteen thousand so I'm twenty five thousand short. That's why I want to lend it from you and I will pay you back after I get my next month's month wage". Hearing his daughter's explanation, Peter felt really guilty, he held his daughter really tight and said, "You won't have to pay me to play with you. Just ask for it, I will play with you all the time you want". So get the moral of the story? Cherish all your beloved ones today as if tomorrow they will be gone.