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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Making Time For Your Kids

by: Debbie Madson

Whether you work at home, stay at home or work full time if you have kids making time for them is the most important priority in your to do list each day.

Do you ever have days where you just put the kids to bed and realize you haven't read any books to them today, gone outside to play or just sat down and played a game of Candyland or Go Fish with them. Somedays they are fed, clothed and happy and you can call it a good day.

How can you find little ways to corporate more playing, laughing and enjoying your kids?

1.Make a point to eat together everyday. As kids get older they become busier but make family meal time a must in your house. Whether it is only breakfast and dinner it is important to use the time to talk to your kids and enjoy their company. Consider taking dinner with you if you are on the go.

2.Set a bedtime routine that includes 10 minutes at least with each child. Even if they are 16 you can still go in their room and talk to them for a few minutes. For younger children bedtime is a great time to read or have them read to you. Talk about what their favorite thing they did today was or what they want to do tomorrow. Asking them questions that provides more than a yes or no answer can open the lines of communication as well as not asking too broad questions. Asking a 5 year old what they did in kindergarten may be too hard for them to answer but ask them what they did in circle time or who they ate lunch with they can easily answer.

3.Have special one on one activities with each child each day or an outing once a week. Whether it is something simple like playing a game, letting them help you with a household chore or going out to lunch once a week make it time when they have your full attention.

4.Get your kids involved in making dinner. It may take a little longer when they are younger but it is great quality time with your kids. Not too mention teaching them to cook has many added benefits like instilling healthy eating habits, reiterating school lessons and improving their self esteem.

5.Take your kids with you to run errands, shopping or where ever possible. Listen and sing to kids music with them. Play a game of 20 questions while you are waiting at the doctor's office. Tell them a story about “when you were little”. These times can be great teaching moments.

Whatever you do, don't let a day pass that you forget to take time for your kids. Give them a hug and tell them you love them but also show them by your actions throughout the day. I know if you are like me you don't mean to overlook the time we could be spending with our kids but we get busy, life passes us by and our kids just keep on growing!